Sunday, January 24, 2021





PART-2-SL.26 TO 50



26. A karta is said to be possessing Sathvika Guna(Sathvik characteristics) - when he is unattached, non-egoistic, courageous and enthusiastic and does the action any way whether it results in success or failure, without worrying about the result.

27. A karta is said to be possessing Rajasa Guna when he - (i) is possessed of desire, (ii) wants fruits of his actions, (iii) is greedy, (iv) is violent in nature, (v) not clean and (vi) is tossed between pleasures and sorrows

28. A karta is said to be possessing Taamas Guna when he is (i) not the fit person (ii) ignorant (iii) inactive (iv) of deceiptful nature (v) causing loss to others (vi) indolent (vii)  of sorrowful nature (viii) of delaying nature.

My Comments :

Understand your nature. Rise from Taamasik to Raajasik and from Raajasik to Saathvik. a Saathvik person is not a weak person or timid person. Weak and Timid are also Taamasik. Are you inactive? you are Taamasik. Become strong and active. A Saathvik man fights for Dharma. He protects the weak against the violent.

The Mahabharat war is a war between the Saathvik Yudhistir and a Raajasik+Taamasik Duryodhan. All wars are like that. Sometimes, it is Raajasik versus Raajasik. Sometimes, it is Saathvik versus Raajasik+Taamasik.

Saathvik man is a capable and courageous man but not Greedy or Jealous. Greed and anger makes you Raajasik. Jealousy makes you Taamasik.


29. Arjuna ! Listen also to the three types of differences in  Gunas (i) in Intellectual abilities (Buddhi) and (ii) in courage - without leaving any remainder(that is, in full).

30. Saathvik Budhi is that - which clearly distinguishes  (i) Pravritthis and Nivritthis, attitudes you must cultivate and attitudes you must give up

(ii) what must be done and must not be done (Kaarya-akaarye);

(iii) fear and fearlessness and

(iv) attachment and liberation (Bandham and Moksham).

31.Raajasik Buddhi is that which imperfectly perceives but does not clearly distinguish between (i) Dharma and Dharma and (ii) what must be done and must not be done.

32. Taamasik Buddhi is that which is enveloped by ignorance and perceives Adharma as Dharma and has extreme and opposite views in all matters.

My Comments :

Buddhi or intellect also works according to the three Gunas. Clarity is the hall mark of Saathvik Buddhi. Confusion is the Hall mark of Raajasik Buddhi. Thinking Adharma as Dharma - is the hall mark of Tamasik Buddhi.

Some people feel - it is OK to loot and rape others - it is Taamasik Buddhi. Whether we should prevent such loot and rape - that confusion is Raajasik Buddhi. Prevent Adharma at all costs - is Saathvik Buddhi. Weakness and timidity is not Saathvik - please understand.

33. Arjuna ! Saathvik courage (Dhruthi) is that - which remains unwavering in Yoga - in the face of any actions of the Mind (Manas), Prana(life or inhale/exhale tasks), and senses(Indriyas).

34. Partha ! Rajasic Courage is that because of which the person desires the fruits of his actions and does the actions of Dharma, Kaama and Artha  with selfish desires. (Lord Krishna has omitted Moksha actions here as Rajasik Buddhi does not seek Moksha)

35. Taamasa courage is that in which - a person with bad intentions does not give up (i) dreams (ii) Fear (iii) Sorrow, (iv) Sadness and (v) selfish pride

My Comments :

Saathvik courage is unwavering. Karma Yoga is unwavering action without hankering for the fruits. Your sensual attractions and distractions, your life force disruptions and your mind games - must not waver you away from your Yoga (Karma Yoga or Jnana Yoga).

If your inhalations and exhalations are steady - your mind also becomes steady - and you become absolutely peaceful. Have you ever felt that? Sit quiet, practice Pranayama. You will know that and you will become Saathvik.

Saathvik results in liberation from all worldly sorrows (and angers etc).

Raajasik Courage is worldly actions - for the fruits of the actions. Nothing to do with total liberation.

Taamasik courage - stems from bad intentions and lives in fear and sorrow.

36.  Arjuna ! A person achieves three types of Sukhas(happinesses) and destroys his sorrows by certain amount of practicing. Listen to them now.

37. A Saathvik Sukham (happiness) is that which looks like Poison in the beginning but becomes nectar-like in the end and creates deep peace and happiness in our intellect.

38. A Raajasik Sukham is that - which looks like Nectar in the beginning but turns out like Poison in the end because of attachment to sensual desires

39. A Taamasik Sukham is that - which creates delusions and ignorance (Mohanam) from beginning to end. It is born of (i) Sleep (ii) laziness and (iii) negligence and irresponsibility (Pramaada).

My Comments :

A mother has to undergo severe pain to deliver a child. he undertakes it willingly. When the Child is in her hands, she is immensely happy. A farmer toils on his land. There is pain involved. Ultimately, when he looks at the full grown crop, he feels immensely happy. No Gain without pain. there is a lot of unselfish toil in the mother and in the farmer. Every leader must also be like that. This is Saathvik sukham.

Some hanker for others' properties or that which is not really earned by them. It looks like a big achievement initially but it gives immense pain later. It is Raajasik sukham.

Taamasik Sukham brings with it fear and sorrow at all points.

40. All three Gunas are born of Prakruthi or nature. The Sathvam or the living beings which is apart from these three Gunas - does not exist on earth or in the heaven or among the Devas (divine beings).

My Comments :

There is nothing in this visible Universe - which is not made up of the three Gunas. In other words - Prakruthi means -essentially the three Gunas. All Pancha Bhutas are filled with the three Gunas. Of course, You have choice among the three. Let us see how :

41. Karmas are distributed among the Varnas (Brahmana, Kshatriya, Sudra,vaisya) according to the nature of the three Gunas in them.

My Comments :

Krishna said already that - I have created the four Varnas based on Guna and Karma. He never ever referred to jaati or caste as a criterion. He never referred to Birth in a particular womb as a criterion.

There are just four Varnas. But there are 4000 Jaatis within India. It is time to forget about them and re-unite them.

Do you think that the Lord created people of India only and divided only them into four Varnas?

He created all people of all world - belonging to all races and all religions. Is this not obvious?

In fact, he created all people of all worlds! All these people are divisible into four Varnas based on the Gunas and Karmas followed by them.

Gunas and Karmas are chosen by YOU. The Lord has divided people into four varnas based on the Guna and Karma chosen by us.

Many Great Sages were not born to Brahmin parents or in Brahmin wombs. What do you say - their Varna is? So are Kshatriyas. Do you say - Parasuram was Brahmin or Kshatriya?  Who do you say - karna was? Lord Krishna was born in Kshatriya womb but was brought up by a cowherd family! In which caste, did he not marry?

Hiranya Kasipa may be Raajasik or Taamasik by nature but his son Prahlad is Saathvik. Raavana was born of a Brahmin sage. But, he raped even married women, abducted Sita and hankered for others' properties. What do you say - his Varna was?

It is time to re-define ourselves - based on our Guna and Karma.

42. The karmas of Brahmans are - (i) control of the inner mind or Antahkarana (Samah) (ii) Control of the senses (Damah) (iii) Tapas (Meditation) (iv) inner and outer cleanliness (saucham) (v)Patience (Kshantih) (vi) Truthfulness (aarjavam) (vii) Jnanam (Wisdom) (viii) Scientific knowledge (Vijnanam) (ix) Belief in almighty/ Vedas (Aastikyam)

43. The Karmas of Kshatriya nature are - (i) Sauryam (Heroism or Bravery) (ii) Tejas (brilliance) (iii) dhruthi (courage) (iv) Daakshyam (great skill) (v) not running away from battle (vi) Daanam (Generosity) (vii) Master (self importance) feeling (Easwara Bhavah)

44. The Karmas of Vaisya type are  (i) agriculture(krushi) (ii) Gaurakhshya (taking care of cattle) and (iii) trading (Vaanijyam).

The karmas designed for Sudras are - to serve all the three other Varnas.

My Comments :

You must understand that - all Karmas covered in this classification are Karmas required by the whole human Society - not just India. None of these Karmas are bad.

The toughest Karmas are - of the Brahmans. They require the greatest control on themselves. Therefore, their number in Society is also - considerably less. Nobody will opt for Brahman karmas - unless they have huge levels of patience and wisdom. Their inner nature must be Saathvik.

The next toughest Karmas - are of the Kshatriyas. Here also, only some will opt for Kshatriya karmas. These are also tough. They must be willing to  fight for Dharma. Their Nature is mostly Saathvik plus a bit Raajasik.

But, they can also be purely Saathvik. Rama was a Saathvik Kshatriya. Krishna was a Saathvik Kshatriya. Sitting on the throne or going to forest - both were same for them. Kshatriyas rule over others. They protect Dharma. They remain impartial.

Vaisyas do agriculture(krushi) ; Gaurakhshya (taking care of cattle) and trading (Vaanijyam). Anybody doing these is a Vaisya. Many of today's trades and skills are of Vaisya Nature. Mostly Saathvik and somewhat Raajasik Gunas. But, they can also be purely Saathvik. Do you agree?

Sudras - serve others. Anything wrong with that? Nothing wrong with that. They lack particular skills. But, service to others is the greatest thing that anybody can do. That is the best of Karma Yoga. If they remain in fear, jealousy, inactivity - they cultivate Taamasik Guna. But, if they do it, willingly and happily, they can rise to Raajasik and  Saathvik. Sudra can be Saathvik. Make no mistake about it. The story related by Sage Markandeya to King Yudhistir - about Dharmavyadha, the Butcher teaching Dharma to Sage Kaushik - clearly reveals that a Sudra can be more Saathvik in nature than an angry Sage.

Whatever your worldly occupation - you can choose your Guna - yourself. Your Guna decides what Varna you belong to - in the view of the Almighty.

Times are changing. Changing times - have changed all Occupations. Changed Occupations - need changed perceptions. It is the Lord, who has done all this change. Do we change our perceptions - according to the current reality?

45.  Human beings achieve Siddhi or completeness and success by being devoted to one's own  type of Karmas. Now, listen to - how they achieve such siddhi or completeness :

46. Any Human being achieves completeness and success(Siddhi) by devoting (and praying) to the creator of all beings who is present throughout the Universe - by devoting himself to his specific karmas.

47. One's own self- chosen Karma (according to one's inner nature), even if done badly, is still better than the Karmas of others done better. He who does his own natural karma (Swabhaava niyatham Karma) does not become sinful at all.

My Comments :

Swabhaava - means simply - what your own inner nature is. It is not what your parents' nature was, or their parents' nature was.

Many Great Sages, whom we revere, were born of different types of parents. The Nature of the sages is much, much different from their ancestors. This is how - God creates. He is not creating the same type of people in each womb. It is differing. This is the reality.

48.O Arjuna, one's own Natural Karma should not be given up even if it is covered with some Doshas (Faults). Fire is also covered in smoke. So also, All Karmas are covered in some faults.

My Comments :

We see the reality. Some are very precocious in Mathematics even in childhood. Nothing to do with their caste. Some are great artistes, singers, dancers, fighters, meditators, scientists - even in childhood. We all see that. We can't deny that. That is Swabhaava. That is Natural Karma. Allow that to flower. Find the talent and nurture it.

In olden days - present day type schools and colleges and research institutions rarely existed. Today, they exist. Today, everybody has access to modern education. All that we need is - find the talent and nurture it.

We must move forward. Not backward. Lord Krishna, 5500 years ago - preferred to dine with Vidhura and sanjaya - rather than with Bhishma, Dhritarashtra, Drona etc. He helped Kubja. of course, he also helped Sudaama. 

If he did not distinguish between caste structure and went to help devotees of every caste - what is preventing us from doing the same. Are we superior to Lord Krishna? Help the Helpless. Help the Poor. That was Lord's example - all through his life.

49. One who has (i) become disinterested in all things (all karmas or fruits of all Karmas), (ii) conquered his mind and senses (iii) left off all self importance/desires (vigatha Spruhah) - such a person attains to the best of Naishkarmya Siddhi ( attainment of the most desire-less state).

My comments :

How to go beyond the three Gunas? Become disinterested in the fruits of any karma which you do. Sage Ramana maharshi once made a walking stick for himself with great care. You might have seen his pictures. tall but spine bent a lot. So, He definitely needed the walking stick. But, while walking, somebody asked for that stick. Ramana Maharshi just gave it up to him without a word. There are many such great sages in recent past. Ramakrishna Parama hamsa, Kanchi Pramacharya,even Mahathma Gandhi - are all like that.

50. One who has conquered himself as above attains to the Brahmam.  You have heard this from me.  In the same way, Know from me, in brief, what is the best discipline of wisdom (or Jnanam).


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