Friday, February 26, 2010



In this Post, I shall try to summarize the Science of Action expounded by Lord Krishna in the Gita chapters 2 and 3 (from my Posts 1,2 and 3) on Karma Yoga.

i. COSMIC DANCE : Every Atom is participating in some action at every moment. These atoms unite into grosser and grosser forms, to perform action (or Karma) at all such grosser levels. The totality of all actions finally culminate in the Universal or Cosmic Dance.
ii. ACTION and CHANGE : Action is thus occurring NON-STOP throughout the UNIVERSE. It is the root  cause of all change in the world.
iii. HUMAN ACTION : Human Beings have the Potential intelligence to understand their individual part in the whole cosmic Dance. But, in most persons, the potential remains  DORMANT. Thus, we are all performing  our actions either consciously, seeking  some result from them or unconsciously, without seeking any result.
iv. RESULT OF ACTIONS : Every action whether consciously performed or unconsciously performed, produces a result. These results are not always on the lines expected by us.
v. SCIENCE OF ACTION : All the actions and their results are based on the science of action and its immutable Laws.
vi. This is beautifully dealt with by Lord Krishna in the chapters on  Samkhya Yoga and karma Yoga. The various posts on Karma Yoga, in this BLOG are summarized below.

POST.1. KARMA YOGA (the science of Action) :

i. EXCELLENCE :  Yoga is nothing but Excellence in Action.Achieving this excellence must be our continued motto and effort.
ii. COURAGE : Courage is the foremost quality required for performance of great action with the excellence you seek. Weak-hearted people, without courage, cannot perform great actions.
iii. INEVITABLE STAGES OF LIFE : Our Life consists of many inevitable stages and factors like birth,growth,old age, decay, decease and death. These are integral part of life and cannot be wished away.We must not regret or grieve over such inevitable factors of life. we must accept them with equanimity.
iv. DUALITIES : Life is full of dualities like victory and defeat, profit and loss, health and illness,comfort and discomfort and so on. These dualities are also unavoidable and keep occurring in life periodically, one after the other.  We must accept all such dualities with equanimity and move ahead with great, purposeful action.
v. UNSELFISH ACTIONS ; Great,unselfish tasks, even if half done or partly done, and then, left out, do not go waste. Nature gives the doer his due benefit for the same. Many times, it allows him to continue from where he left off also. So, do not avoid action. Start performing your duty.

vi. CHOICE OF ACTION : Choice of action rests with the Individual. Man  has the RIGHT TO CHOOSE the action that he desires to perform.He can choose good or bad, great or lowly action, on his own will.
vii. RESULT OF ACTION : But the results of all such actions are based on universal Laws prevailing in the world at all times. While Individual can exercise choice of action, results will not be based on his choice but on the unbiased laws of the forces around us. Fire burns any object. Water quenches our thirst. Water flows downwards. Each object, living being or universal force has its characteristics or Dharmas and they give the results of all actions based on their Characteristics or Dharmas.
viii. ACTION-LESS-NESS : Just because, we have no choice on the result, but have to accept the result based on Universal laws, we cannot remain action-less. So,we must perform our ACTIONS selflessly, aiming for the general good and without attachment to RESULTS.
ix. LIKES and DISLIKES : Our likes and dislikes are the greatest obstacles for performing our Karma unbiasedly. They distract us from discerning Truth clearly and performing SELFLESS ACTION benefiting all others.


i. INACTION : Inaction on  our part does not lead us to any significant result or benefit, since, a careful examination will reveal to us that insignificant actions continue to flow at such times.
ii. TRI-GUNAS: No one can really remain totally action-less. Our THREE GUNAS,  namely, Sathva, Rajas and Thamas, are always propelling us into some action continuously.
iii. SENSE CONTROL : We strive to divert our SENSES from their respective SENSE OBJECTS. We do this to escape from the vagaries of the senses. But our mind continues to dwell on the SENSE OBJECTS. This effort therefore become purposeless. If senses are diverted from sense objects but the mind continues to dwell on sense objects, this results only in SELF DECEPTION.
iv. KARMA YOGI : The Karma Yogi, on the other hand, performs actions without binding his senses to sense objects, and with total control of SENSES, mind and the intellect. Thus, he succeeds in controlling his senses.
v. YAGNA : All Karma must be performed as YAGNA. The various Universal Powers receive the YAGNAPHALAM from our Yagnas and bestow on us what we need. YAGNA is nothing but the unselfish, beneficial actions performed by us, and is devoted to the universal powers etc. Man propitiating the universal powers and the universal powers in their turn, benefitting the man are cyclical in nature. But, when we become SELFISH, and do not propitiate universal powers and take care of their needs, the Universal powers also become SELFISH and become incapable and unwilling in giving us what we need.
vi. DESTRUCTION OF NATURE : When we destroy nature, the nature's cycle ensures that we bring bigger destruction on our self. Similarly, when we protect NATURE, Nature tends to shower its bounty on us.
vii.SIN : If we eat without performing YAGNA, i.e., if we enjoy anything  without converting our action into YAGNA, it becomes a selfish action and is considered a great sin.
viii. THE MEANS for CREATION OF ABUNDANCE : Performance of YAGNA creates ABUNDANCE for us.


i. NATURE'S CYCLE : Performance of KARMA leads us to Yagna; YAGNA  results in rains; RAINS enable production of food; Food is the cause of ALL LIFE. All Life again leads to Karma. This is Nature's cycle.
ii. SELFISH HUMAN  ACTIONS invariably lead to Human destruction due to the breakage of nature's cycle, while SELF-LESS actions lead to Human sustenance through the continuance of nature's cycle.
iii. AKSHARA-BRAHMAN : Akshara, the indestructible, is the root of the Brahman, which causes performance of all action. The best of action is YAGNA in which BRAHMAN is always present.
iv. AIM FOR GOOD OF ALL : You  must perform YAGNA to benefit all others around you and elsewhere - even if, there is no benefit to you, and there is no need for you to perform such selfless action.

v. LEADER'S EXAMPLE : Leaders must especially perform selfless actions all the time - so that their followers and others take their example and follow suit.

vi. We will continue the summary of karma yoga in next Post.



Tuesday, February 16, 2010



Our Karma is heavily dependent on our LIKES and DISLIKES, which arise in us, when we approach all objects and persons through the medium of our senses. They enslave us.(v.34). We must therefore be very careful in respect of these likes and dislikes.


Our world consists of people following different Professions, each involving the performance of its duties effectively. This means, we must do our respective duties in our professions (called Swadharma) effectively and with devotion.(v.35). In performing Swadharma with devotion, the adverse effect of our likes and dislikes comes down easily and significantly.


But, the question that arises is - why are many people unable to desist from committing heinous crimes, as if led by some unseen force.(v.36). Who are those enemies who throw him into crime and sin?


Krishna mentions two INTERNAL ENEMIES  - namely, Kaama (or unrighteous desire) and Krodha (unrighteous anger) - which are responsible for leading us into crime and sin.(v.37). And, our wisdom gets enveloped totally by such Kaama and Krodha both of which are the products of RAJOGUNA. Hence, these are our chief enemies.These enemies take firm seat in our senses, our mind (emotions) and our intellect.(v.40). 


Since senses are the starting point for the fall of our intellect, we must exercise sufficient  sense control so that their ways do not spoil our wisdom and our life.(v.40, 41).

Compared to the body organs, the senses are very powerful and important, but compared to the senses, the mind (seat of emotions and feelings) is more powerful and important. Compared to the mind, the intellect (the seat of our wisdom and thinking faculty) is much more important and powerful.(v.42). Not only that; each is more powerful than the previous one, and each is subtler than the previous one.


But, Once you know that the ATMAN is more powerful than even intellect, you will need to go beyond your intellect, know yourself as ATMAN and vanquish your chief enemy, namely, the KAAMA.(v.43). Here, the powerful enemy is Kaama, which has taken firm seat in us. The most powerful weapon to vanquish it is - again a firm knowledge of our own SELF ( called, ATMAANUBHOOTHI).


Basically, Krishna ends the KARMA YOGA here and continues in a logical sequence into what he calls as JNANA KARMA SANNYASA YOGA.  Krishna's purpose is quite unique and it does not end with mere exposition of the SCIENCE OF ACTION or Karma Yoga to Arjuna.  But, my purpose here is to understand Karma Yoga and its usefulness in current day world.

Karma Yoga has been expounded in many Vedantha texts like Upanishads much earlier than the Bhagavad Gita. Many ancient and contemporary scholars, Jnanis and Yogis have expounded Karma Yoga philosophy in  many ways, which are highly beneficial in contemporary world. 

While Krishna's exposition is lucid, some questions may still remain in us, some confusions may arise in us and some clarifications may become necessary for us - in the context of the modern world and our activities in it. After all, the science of Action is a timeless science and applicable equally to all of us in modern times. 

We shall therefore examine Karma yoga, from other view points, in subsequent posts, in the light of what great scholars and yogis have told us.

= yours


Sunday, February 14, 2010


Three Gunas that run our Universe
Every atom in the Universe is functioning in the way we perceive it, because of the Sathva, Rajas and Thamo  gunas inherent in the universe. The same three Gunas are in the human being also.The entire Nature around us runs the way we see it, because of the changes constantly occurring in the three Gunas. But, the man with great pride (Ahankara) thinks, that he is the causative factor for every thing  happening around him(v.27). We will deal with the three Gunas in detail separately.

In short, Sathva is the guna of the wise, Rajas is the guna of the Highly active and Thamas is the guna of the idle. Sathva guna gives joy, peace, compassion etc, Rajas gives anger,activity and fighting tendency while thamas gives  hatred,jealousy, idleness etc. Our thinking and actions are most of the time the result of lack of balance in these 3 gunas in us. Once you understand the effect of the three gunas in you, instantly,you get the power  to release yourself from their effect. Else, you will always be a slave to them.(v.28)

Since people (ignorant) are always subject to the effect of the three gunas, they can never think on their own. It is pointless to confuse them with intricate truths. The wise man must teach them in a easy way they can understand (v.29)

One must understand this and fight the battle of life, with no perturbation, leaving the karma ownership to the creator.This is the highest form of Karma. The karma yogi who leaves the Karma ownership (to the creator)and sails through the battle of life will get the same result that a Jnana Yogi (the wisest) gets. (v.30,31). 

What is essential is, doing the Karma with great devotion to the work, without jealousy and other negative feelings. People who do not understand this great method of life go on criticizing this and spoil their own life.(v.32)

Actually, the nature in us through the three gunas prompts us to do and not do things. The five senses are always out-bound and they create our likes and dislikes. Through these likes and dislikes, the external world takes control over us. We need to bring the five senses back to our control.(v.33). This is a great statement. Our likes and dislikes pass on control over us - from ourselves to the objects / people outside us, on whom our likes and dislikes rest. When we know that - we will also know - why our likes and dislikes must be within our control, and how we can keep our life within our control. 

= yours


Saturday, February 13, 2010


In the last post, we have seen how SELFLESS ACTIONS  sustain the society and the Universe, how we and the rest of the Universe are inter-dependent and how SELFISH  ACTIONS destroy our society. We will continue the discussion on the Science of Action in this Post.

How does Karma enhance our sustenance and life? Karma gives rise to YAGNA (Or selfless actions).Yagna gives rise to rains (and other life giving natural forces). Rains give birth to food. Food gives birth to all Life - says v.3.14). 

Every life form depends on food and that food comes from rains. Rains come from YAGNA (self less actions) and Yagna comes from Karma. It is the Nature's cycle identified by Krishna. 

What are the selfless actions which give rise to rains? We now know them. We need to plant adequate trees. We need to encourage birds and animal life. We must encourage adequate, free flowing  water streams. Do we not know that fresh water from rains falls at the highest places but flows down to the lowest places before they mingle with their source, the ocean? We must allow that cycle. Just allow nature to encourage life and that life encourages human life too. It is so simple. 

But, today, we are destroying forests. We are destroying water flows. We are destroying even big rivers by building dams across them and stopping the water flow midway. Water needs to flow, if it has to remain healthy. We are killing birds, animals etc indiscriminately. We are acting against all forms of life in nature. This process will result in unimaginable harm to human beings as well. The barren land results in barren human minds, which give rise to destructive ideas and finally, human beings will tend to destroy human beings. It starts with selfish human actions and ends with human destruction.

Action is born of BRAHMAN and Brahman is rooted of  AKSHARA (the indestructible).  Brahman is  ever present in Yagna. Akshara can also be taken as the WORD, the AUM Sabda, the Vedas  and so on. (V.3.15)
In essence, It implies that action is inherent in the universe everywhere and the best of action is YAGNA , in which the Brahman is always present. At this point, we are not defining the Brahman and the Akshara both. We will take up their definition separately. 

In essence, human being must identify himself with the whole universe, which automatically makes him selfless. All his actions then become selfless and Yagna. Suffice it to say that the selfless actions of human beings  have great importance for sustenance of the human society as well as the nature surrounding them.(v.15). On the other hand, SELFISH actions lead to reversal of this creation cycle and leads to destruction (v.16).

All this discussion leads to the conclusion that we must do our duty SELFLESSLY and without attachment to its fruits - which means that the results must benefit a large number of others and not necessarily the self alone. This type of Karma, or Yagna, uplifts man to a much higher level of achievement and development(v.19). 

Whether your Karma benefits you or not, if it benefits the world, if it is capable of removing the difficulties, sadness or poverty of some other people, you must perform such Karma (v.20).

We must remember Gandhiji's advice to leaders and administrators - to keep the lowest and the poorest man in view, while making their plans.It is well in tune with this verse of the Gita. Why did Gandhiji specifically address it to leaders? Krishna himself gives the clue in the next verse. 

Krishna says - what the leaders in every field do, the same will be followed by all common people.(v.21). This is science of action at its best. If the leaders are honest, people will be honest. If leaders are corrupt and violent, people will also be likewise. It is therefore essential that people must select leaders who are idealistic in their behaviour - honest, always performing Yagna (selfless action) and always thinking of the upliftment of all people, especially the lowest of the low. Leader sets the standards for the society.

Krishna, giving his own example, says - Arjuna, I have nothing more to desire or get from this world or from anybody, but still, I am always immersed  in my Karma. It has to be so with every one. If I am not performing Karma, all others, including even the strong people,  will follow my example and become lazy(v.23). I would be spoiling them and the society  by not performing my Karma and setting a bad example to them(v.24)

Knowledgeable and wise people, who have understood life will always work for the whole world (i.e., for all people) whereas others will work selfishly for their own benefit.But, what should the wise do with the unwise? The wise must advise, instruct and make the unwise understand smoothly, slowly and steadily, but do not perturb them by telling them things they cannot immediately comprehend.(v.26)

In fact, Krishna himself follows the same method of teaching to Arjuna throughout the GITA. While not deviating from the ancient science of Action, he strives to make it so simple for Arjuna to understand. We are all like Arjuna and in the same predicament. We have a great need to understand in the same way and make others understand in the same way.



Friday, February 12, 2010


We have seen in the previous Post, what Sankhya Yoga (Ch.2 of Bhagavad Gita) says about the Science of Action.

We will now examine the Science of Action from Chapter-3 . Karma Yoga of the Bhagatad Gita in this Post :

It says, INACTION does not lead us to any great result( Vs.4). 

In fact, no human being can remain without action for even for one moment.We are bound by the Sathvic, Rajasic and Tamasic Gunas in our nature and they continuously propel us into action(Vs.5). 

Some people try to control their five senses away from action and sense objects externally but  their mind and intellect are always on sense objects. This only wastes their time and they will only be deceiving themselves by this.(Vs.6).

But, a person who performs his actions with full control on his five senses, mind and Intellect will not only do the work excellently, but will also ensure that his work does not create bondages to itself, for the doer.(Vs.7). He thus becomes a great Karma Yogi.

We must do our work with all devotion and skill.(Vs.8). Any work performed without SELFISH MOTIVES for the general good is called YAGNA. We must do all work as YAGNA. Then, the work does not bind you. Such karma becomes KARMA YOGA. But, any work done with selfish motives binds you in unpredictable ways to itself and is not good. Societies can prosper more and derive great happiness for their people, when more and more of their people perform YAGNA. Krishna commends Yagna for every Individual.(Vs.9).

Actually, the Yagna type of actions happen because of the total support of the Universal Powers around us. Our duty is to remain supportive of these Powers (we may call them as Devas or Angels) and prosper through mutual help between us and them.(Vs.10 and 11).

If any one becomes selfish and does not give what is due to these Universal powers, he becomes a great thief.(Vs.12). The universal powers will give you what you need and seek only if you give them what is their due.

Whatever you take from the Universe, you must take only after giving what is due to the universe from you. As a corollary, only if you give what is due to nature, Nature in return, gives you what is your due. (v.12).

This a great economic truth as well. We are destroying forests which can give us rains and grains. Consequently, Nature is forced to create unlivable conditions for us. We build big dams etc and create adverse conditions for rivers to flow. We kill all animals and birds. The consequences of such actions get reflected on us in many ways. More diseases, more scarcities and more unhappiness result in human society because we perform our actions in total selfishness and not as YAGNA.

Take any thing, eat anything, only after giving what is due from you,i.e., after performing YAGNA. Such food does not create any problems for you. (vs.12). You will only eat sin, when you cook for yourself and eat alone without giving anything to others. (Vs.12).

We need to look at the economic and social truths that Krishna is expounding in Gita.There is no society - if every one lives for himself. There is no happiness when we eat alone. There is no fun in cooking for ourselves and eating it ourselves. When the attitude of every one in the Society is one of giving to others, will there be any scarcity or unhappiness in it. If I eat in my neighbours' house, it is not because I do not have any thing to eat in my house, but, it is because, my neighbour has invited me to share his life and his food with me.

Likewise, I invite other people to my house, as ATHITHIs (Guests) and take much happiness in feeding them, talking to them, and treating them well - before I and my family members eat. This culture was widely prevalent in India till one generation ago and we need to preserve it for its obvious benefits to all of us.

Likewise, we will feed and treat any one well - when they come unexpected - to our house (as ABHYAGATHI). This reflects a mindset of abundance in our culture as opposed to the mindset of Scarcity which is slowly taking us over. An abundance mindset is a pre-condition for creating ABUNDANCE. Karma Yoga emphasizes this in many ways.

we will continue the discussion in the next post further.

= Yours


Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Can you find a single living cell anywhere in the universe idle for a single moment? Impossible. At the level of the atom,or even sub-atomic particle level, or any other gross levels, even the non living matter is constantly on the move. 

Action, or Karma, is the unique characteristic that divides the Universe into countless individual parts, each functioning at its individual level , performing its designated karma incessantly, further grouping with other parts of the universe to function at gross levels, at grosser levels, and at further (bigger) grosser levels and finally integrating at the universe level to join an unfathomable cosmic dance.

Action is at the root of all change and change is the only constant in the tangible world.

It is true at the gross level of human beings as well.  We are always performing some action or other. We can never be action-less. Our whole life is a leap from one action to another  at every moment. At grosser levels, we are part of the cosmic dance. 

But, we, as human beings, are unique, in the sense that we are capable of understanding our part of this cosmic dance and enjoying the same. Also, the creator has given us the unique capability of choosing our Karma.

We perform actions, some times consciously,seeking some specific result and some times unconsciously, without seeking any specific result. 

We are sometimes reaping the results we are seeking. But, some times, the results are totally on unexpected lines. But, there is not one single action, which does not give any result. Every Action is a Cause - and every Cause has an Effect. Every Effect then. becomes fresh Cause; results in Fresh Action - and the Cycle goes on.

Why are so many good and bad events happening to us, without our seeking them? You must have wondered many times. Why?

All of our actions and their results are based on the laws of a universally applicable science, called the SCIENCE OF ACTION, or KARMA YOGA.

I will try to examine the Science of Action from the modern view point as also the view point of Lord Krishna expounded most beautifully in Bhagavad Gita.

Bhagavad Gita, is an absolute, scientific Text - and it would be wrong to classify it another Religious Text.

In this first post on the SCIENCE OF ACTION, I  will place before you what  Krishna says in Ch.2. Sankhya Yoga, about it.

Chapter.2 of the Gita proclaims, "Yogah karmasu Kausalam," (vs.2.50) which simply means, "Yoga is excellence in action". 

Krishna is unequivocal in saying that every action must conform to the best standards of excellence. He applies all tests of science to human actions, so that they conform to the highest standards of excellence. If our actions do not emanate from the spirit of excellence, they do not come under Karma Yoga or science of action. They become ordinary Karma or Action. When such Action is raised to the level of excellence, it becomes transformed as Karma Yoga.

Courage is the first and foremost quality of any great action.

In Vs.2.3, Krishna says, "kshudram hridhaya Daurbalyam'" - meaning, all weaknesses of the heart ,like fear, are highly demeaning  and must be got rid of. You need courage and bravery in life, to succeed in any field of human endeavour. 

Krishna's exhortation at this point is to make all human beings, perform their actions with utmost courage and excellence.

Recognize the inevitable factors in life, says Krishna.  Birth, childhood,youth, middle age, old age, death are all inevitable factors of life for all of us. We must take all of them with equanimity. 

Do not grieve over them. Do not grieve over those who are dead, or those who are alive and going to die.(vs.2.11) This has great relevance for excellence in action.

Accept victory and defeat, profit and loss, and comfort and discomfort with equanimity while performing your actions - says Krishna in Vs.2.18. There can be no excellence in your actions if your mindset does not conform to this prescription.

Just because you may or may not be able to complete a great task, do not assume that you should not begin it at all, says Krishna. You will reap the results of even uncompleted tasks. You can again begin them from where you left off.(vs.2.40) Krishna exhorts you to start first. Don't worry that your strength is not enough, your knowledge is not enough or it is not good time   at all. However much you do, you will benefit from that and you can later start from where you left off, Krishna assures.

Vs.2.47 beautifully sums the gist of the SCIENCE OF ACTION (karma yoga) as below :

"Man has the absolute right for action but not for its fruits. But, for that reason, he must not avoid action. He must go on with his duty without  indulging himself in the  thought of getting or not getting the final  fruits of action."

This verse sums up the science of action in Sankhya Yoga Chapter itself. This verse is highly scientific in nature. 


Man must choose the actions he performs.This choice, let us clearly understand, is not left to divinity. You are the one who is choosing your actions. You may do it with conscious planning or totally without planning, either for beneficial purposes or for destructive purposes; either for selfish purposes or for unselfish purposes. But,you  alone are the chooser of your actions. Krishna is unequivocal in declaring that you are the chooser of your actions. Don't blame it on others. Don't blame it on God.


But, you do not have a similar right for the fruits of your actions. This particular sentence is much misunderstood, though Krishna elucidated it at many places. The confusion arises from taking this part of the verse separately out of context and looking at it in a very narrow context.Let us take a few examples to understand this.


Once you perform any action, your action is taken over by the universal forces that are acting everywhere. They give you the fruits of your action in accordance with their UNIVERSAL PROPERTIES or their Dharmas.


You are free to put your finger in FIRE. You have absolute choice of action to do this. Don't blame any one for this. Don't blame the fire for it. It is not divinity who is prompting you do this. You, and you alone are the CHOOSER. But, what fire will do to your finger depends on the universal properties of FIRE and not on your choice.  You may want that FIRE should not burn your fingers. But, fire burns who so ever puts his fingers in to it, and does not spare your fingers. It is not biased in anybody's favour. To burn anything is the absolute, universal property of fire. You must understand this before performing your actions. So, the result of your action depends not on you but on the properties of fire.

Water flows downwards. So, rivers are formed. And, rivers flow towards Sea.

Your body is filled about 75 percent with liquids. You feel thirsty when this water goes out of body and you are satiated by only water and liquids and not by food. Water has certain universal properties and you must understand them in your actions to reap their proper consequences. But, you cannot choose the fruits of your actions beyond or opposite to that of the universal properties of water. You have no such choice on the fruits of action.Results are not because of your choice, but, because of the universal properties of the forces acting on your action.

Air flows into any vacuum. It fills all vacuum in your body also. Air,space, water, earth, fire, Sun, Moon and every thing in the universe have their unique, universal properties and these properties decide the fruits of your actions.Therefore, you can't choose the fruits of your actions. You can of course, choose your actions wisely, knowing these universal properties.

You may throw a stone at the mango on the tree branch. Whether the stone hits the mango or falls on the bald head of the man walking on the other side depends on all such forces that are acting in the universe. Even if you aim correctly, air may displace the mango or the tree branch after you completed your throw.You are thus not the only actor in the universe. There are many others too. This is the reason why Krishna says, you have every right to choose your actions. But, you have no such rights to choose the fruits of your actions. It does not mean you will be goalless in your actions. It only means,that  your goals are also part of the choice of your action and not part of the choice of results. Once your action is complete, the other forces act from there. The final result is the effect of all such forces and their universal properties.


The next rule krishna tells us is that you cannot remain action-less for the reason that you have no CHOICE on the fruits of your action. This part of Law of Action is unique in its use to humanity. As Krishna elucidates at many places and as many upanishads also proclaim, keep your goal lofty. Your action will benefit you and many others. Go on doing your Karma whether it benefits you, your near and dear or many others. The loftier your goal, the greater are the fruits of the Karma. As modern social scientists say, if you don't want to claim credit or profit for yourself, you can perform extraordinary actions. 

V.2.48 precisely focuses on this, and says, you  must leave out your selfishness and of your near and dear, in which case, your actions will get upgraded from Karma to Karma yoga, or excellence in action.

It is at this point, that Krishna gives a distinct definition of yoga, as excellence in action (v.2.50). 


What is it that can pose obstacles for this excellence in action. it is our own sensual likes and dislikes which distract us from our actions, from time to time(v.2.60). Is this not right? 

How many brilliant students lose  their exams or get lower marks simply because of sensual pleasures and distractions? Brilliant Golfers, cricketers and footballers spoil their careers because of the same reason. 

If you are not progressing in any of your goals, look for the sensual distractions which are your major obstructions.Control these and your success rate will be much better. Your distractions are basically arising from your own LIKES and DISLIKES. Beware of them. They wont allow you to see the truth.(vs.2.64).

= yours
