Sunday, January 15, 2012




Samaadhi siddhih Eeshvara Pranidhaanaath

Ø  samaadhi = deepest meditation
Ø  siddhih = attainment
Ø  Eeshvara = creative source (defined by Patanjali)
Ø pranidhanaath = surrender

In the previous verse, Patanjali had said that by self study you come in communion with you most loved deity or ishtadevathaa. This verse, 2.45  is a logical continuation of that. What happens when you are in self study and you have met your most loved deity in your deepest self study.

You most loved deity is – the one, Patanjali calls as – Eeshvara. The name and form – or the namelessness and formlessness – do not matter at all. You have met your most loved deity.

Before your most loved deity – you will automatically surrender. There is no more ego in you, which keeps you away from your chosen deity. There is no more the self which is witnessing. The self moves closer and closer and it is now one with the Eeshvara. You have surrendered to Eeshvara and are one with him.
Patanjali says – by such surrender to Eeshvara – Samaadhi automatically happens.

We can put it in both ways – Samaadhi happens when you have totally surrendered to Eeshvara. In the other way, when you attain Samaadhi, total surrender to Eeshvara happens. Both are correct. Both happen simultaneously.

Compare and contrast this Eeshvara Pranidhaana – with the concept of GOD in RELIGIONS. In Religions, you have a cruel God, a terrific God, a benevolent God, an impartial God, a God who punishes and rewards – and so on.

But, here you have a Eeshvara, who is one with you, in your purest self, whom you have watched and witnessed with no pre-conditions, with no pre-judgments, just surrendered – and you have attained Samaadhi.

What is Samaadhi? Samaadhi is not really realization of a God. It is realization of SELF. This is the beauty. You surrender to your Ishtadevatha – but whom actually are you knowing then? You are knowing your Self. 

And, that – is enlightenment.

 *  *  *  E  N  D  *  *  *

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